Product overview:
4TaC-HfC is the compound with the highest melting point currently known. It is a solid solution composed of a binary compound of tantalum carbide (melting point 3983 ℃) and hafnium carbide (melting point 3928℃), which is used in the field of ultra-high temperature cermets.
Performance characteristics:
1. High solid solubility: XRD detects no impurity phase, GDMS detects low metal impurity element content;
2. Small particle size: the smallest particle size is 30-50nm;
3. Concentrated distribution: standard normal particle size distribution, no bimodal or multimodal.

- 3D print&thermal spray series
- thermal spray Niobium carbide-N
- thermal spray Hafnium carbide-H
- thermal spray vanadium carbide-
- thermal spray Zirconium Diborid
- 3D printing spherical tantalum
- thermal spray Hafnium Nitride -
- thermal spraying Zirconium Nitr
- thermal spray Titanium diboride
- 3D printing spherical titanium
- thermal spray Niobium powder-Nb